About Us

The Defense Shop was birthed from the founders’ very personal experience during a violent assault and threat to her security. At the time, our loved one was unable to protect herself against her attacker; but, no more – today, she and others who we have served are fully protected. We are committed to equipping every law abiding citizen with the personal protection products they can rightfully own without causing lethal harm to others.

Thank you for your interest in our products. We are simply hard-working people who believe that every law abiding citizen has a right and obligation to defend themselves and their loved ones. Our team is comprised of some ex-military intelligence persons and experts in self-defense. Our products are police grade devices, and our top-tier suppliers do much of their own packaging.

We are proud of supplying non-lethal self-defense products to our community: Stun Guns, Tasers, Pepper Spray, Survival Gear, Steel Batons, Family Safety Kits, Child GPS Trackers, Personal Alarms, Animal Repellants, Pen Knives, Kubotans, Personal Protection Key Chains, Throwing Stars, Drink Guard Date Rape Detectors, Tactical Pens, Slingshots, Home Protection Devices, Blow Guns, Safety Lights, Diversion Safes, Instructional Fighting DVDs, Knives, Door Cameras Synced to Cell Phones, Bug Detectors, Dome Cameras, Dummy Cameras, Hidden Cameras with DVRs, Professional Cameras, Video Recorders, Infrared Illuminators, Microphones, Security Scanners, and more!

When we started this business, we did it with you and your loved ones in mind. Our self-defense products, hidden cameras, and surveillance systems are designed to keep you safe.

Are you and your loved ones prepared to stay safe?

  • Every 2 minutes someone in the US is sexually assaulted.
  • One property crime happens every 3 seconds.
  • One burglary occurs every 10 seconds.
  • One violent crime occurs every 20 seconds.
  • One aggravated assault occurs every 35 seconds.
  • One robbery occurs every 60 seconds or 1 minute.

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