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What’s she doing?”Umm, getting married and knocked up faster than Taylor Swift changes boyfriends?And bisexual Jodie had some nice things to say about new Celebrity Juice team captain Kelly .She said: “Me and Kelly are the two who are still doing sexy shoots. We’ve got very different looks, cheap jordans from china but men across the country still find us both sexy.”She’s the number one curvy girl, and I hope I’m the number one athletic girl and we’ve both been around for ages.”Hang on to your girlfriend, Danny Cipriani .Jodie continued: “When was the last time Katie Price modelled for a men’s magazine? A hundred years ago? Don’t you dare diss Kelly! Me and my muscles have Kelly Brook’s back all day long!”Jodie obviously got her kit off for the photoshoot that appears alongside the interview, and she has no plans to stop getting naked anytime soon.She said: “I love being naked, I love dressing up and I love being sexy. I can’t see a time when I’ll ever stop.”You’re going to have to throw me out of the magazine at some point in the future.

Most of the camp’s estimated 160,000 inhabitants fled in late 2012 as clashes erupted between pro and anti Assad Palestinian gunmen many to overcrowded and destitute Palestinian refugee camps in neighbouring Lebanon. Only the poorest remained behind. Aid workers have been sending food parcels into the camp in an effort to alleviate the extreme suffering inside..

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