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Knowing when to throw out food can be tricky, especially dry goods. Most packaged products come labeled with a use-by, sell-by and best-by date. But when it comes to pantry staples, you might have more time to bake those cookies than you thought.
The USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service alongside the Food Marketing Institute and Cornell University maintains an online resource called Foodkeeper. There, you can find a storage guide with information on hundreds of foods and their best shelf life for food freshness and quality. Here’s the rundown of common baking essentials you probably have sitting in the back of your pantry.
Baking powder
Unopened baking powder can be stored up to 18 months and still be fresh and effective. After that, you’ll likely notice a loss of potency when using it in baking recipes. Opened baking powder should be used within 6 months. Many packages include a place to write the date you opened it on the lid, a helpful way to keep track of freshness.
Baking soda
Baking soda, unopened, can last a surprisingly long time. In fact, it’s good for up to three years. If you’ve opened your baking soda, you’ll want to use it up or zobacz strone throw it out after six months. Baking soda and powder are both important ingredients in baking and to be most effective, fresher is always better.
Opened baking soda can last up to three years unopened at room temperature.
Alina Bradford/CNET
Baking powder and baking soda lose potency over time. The science of baking — exact measuring, sifting and allowing things to rest or rise — can be easily dismantled by a bad box of baking soda or baking powder, the agents of change in many recipes. While these might be safe to eat for months after the standard shelf life, fresher is always more effective for baking.
There are several types of flour, but the most common are whole wheat and white. Wheat flour has a shelf life of up to six months if stored unopened in the pantry. Once you’ve opened it, keeping flour refrigerated can extend its shelf life to eight months.
White flour can last up to one year stored in the pantry, unopened. Open it up and the pantry life decreases to eight months. Throw your white flour in the refrigerator and you’ll have fresh flour for up to one year.
Read more: Top bread machines for home bakers