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“They’ve given me a lot of leeway. I love dressing up, as you can see, I love to play,” said Henson. For the character, when Cookie first comes out of prison, “she is a bit dated” in her fashion sense, according to Henson. My parents are paying for the entire wedding, so I let them … Read more

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Overall they seemed overpowered compared to what you saw in the harry potter movies, granted we did spend most of our time with students.Overall it was a fun movie that layed the groundworks for the future movies in a way I did not expect.Dimanovic 100 points submitted 1 year agoThe Office has a lot of regulars that I find it hard to believe fans genuinely like; Angela is never really likable, Gabe I convinced was supposed to be the Strangler and they changed their mind about it, and to a lesser extent even Phyllis, Kelly (Reading the comments I see Kelly, much to my surprise, is actually liked), Meredith, Ryan really aren very likable characters. They just kinda there. Andy was a douche, then likable, then douche.

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