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She asked if I was declining alcohol because I was pregnant (as if that was the ONLY reason I wouldn take a drink when offered) and I turned bright red and said, Then she said, you are. I know. Don worry, I won tell. Within 15 years, Handel had started three commercial opera companies to supply the English nobility with Italian opera. Musicologist Winton Dean writes that his operas show that “Handel was not only a great composer; he was a dramatic genius of the first order.”[5] As Alexander’s Feast (1736) was well received, Handel made a transition to English choral works. After his success with Messiah (1742) he never composed an Italian opera again.

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I going through this stuff too. You can ALWAYS go back to court to modify things relating to the kids. If you want more time with them etc you can always ask the court for a modification of the order. Others of his regiments went straight ahead. By the time his men had gone as … Read more

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I U Tip Extensions extensions Ill always take the opportunity to pimp out Our Fake History. Not sure if he covers it on the macro level but he covers Troy, The Hittites, tartessos at several points. Also if you have Audible I’d recommend 1177BC the year civilisation collapsed by Eric Cline. Instead of pandering to otakus they now have to pander to westerners because they get Netflix/western money.The ideal would be Netflix putting money/supporting “Netflix original” anime while at the same time not excluding anime from its platform. That way no matter if you directly making a Netflix original, making a show that appeals to westerners or making something that appeals to otaku you can still benefit. Crunchyroll funding has been a fantastic example of this.After what happened with censorship in gaming though it doesn seem likely that happen. I Tip extensions

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